In its simplest form, a networking event series can repeat events found in successful or tweaked single events, as we covered on the Stand-Alone Event page. However, doing so carries the benefits of maintaining a dedicated audience that can grow via word of mouth.

That said, these series do typically run into a few different hurdles. First, if they are too similar to one another, your audience may grow bored from networking with the same audience. Again, as we discussed in Protect Your Time, Set Yourself up for Success, your goal might be to build a community where these networking events may not need to change much. If your goal is successful networking, then each participant should walk away from each event with something new, whether it’s an actionable lesson or a further contact.

An additional challenge comes with the holidays. While hosting events on the same day each month is valuable advice, these routines often fall apart during the holidays. Consider zeroing in on crucial times of the year, rather than spreading them out to the point where they interfere with holidays. Similarly, we should design events in a manner in which one or two can be skipped with minimal disruption while creating enough Fear of Missing Out or FOMO to encourage your audience to participate in as many events in the series as possible.

Sample Event Schedule

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