Congrats! Whether you’ve attempted a Stand-Alone Event, an Event Series, or a Mentorship Program, you’re sure to have learned something from the process. And while it’s tempting to hang up our hats and pat ourselves on the back, it’s just as important to take some time to reflect on the initiative. This portion is comparatively simple compared to the other concepts discussed in this guide but is critically time-sensitive.

Key Questions

  1. What do I/chapter leaders/participants think worked well?
  2. What do I/chapter leaders/participants think could have worked better?
  3. How much time did we spend on this initiative?
  4. Could we have achieved at least 80% of the results using a more straightforward approach? At what point did our efforts produce diminishing returns?
  5. What could we have spent 20% more of our time on that could achieve the most impactful results?

Future Marketing

In addition to the critical questions described, it’s essential to ask for testimonials from participants as soon as possible. These are some of the most impactful marketing tools we have. Ask if you can share their name and headshot or, better yet, if they’d be willing to share a short video explaining the benefits your initiative had.

While effective marketing is no substitute for solid programming, strong programming can impact marketing.